IDLE is a transmedia project that explores the impact that Covid-19 lockdowns have had on five individuals involved in Dublin’s live music industry. The experience can be accessed through IDLE’s own website and utilises multiple media forms; a virtual exhibition, an animation and a documentary to examine the theme. It uncovers matters, such as isolation and uncertainty. The experience also touches on issues such as the financial and mental strains experienced by those in the industry during lockdown, while also emphasising the economic, cultural and social benefits that live music provides to Irish society.
Lockdown has been an unprecedented period, especially for those that rely on making their living from an industry that has been shut for such a prolonged period. IDLE aims to shed light on the issues that individuals in this industry are being faced with and provide insight to audiences that are interested in and unaware about this topic.
Through our findings we can conclude that transmedia was successful in showcasing the effects of lockdown on Dublin’s live music industry. Moreover, it is evident that lockdown heightened the precarity of the gig economy. This study will be significant to future scholars looking to investigate transmedia storytelling or for those seeking to gain knowledge on this subject.
Video Overview
Visuals from this Project