
Tranquil is a responsive webpage with an interactive video about the fight, flight, or freeze response and how to deal with it. Our target audience is first-year college students because we felt that the stress associated with the first year of college may be overwhelming for students coming from secondary school. The aim of Tranquil is to provide our target audience with a better understanding of fight, flight, or freeze response and how to counter it in an engaging way. Since fight flight or freeze may occur while we are stressed or feeling threatened, we hope to achieve our aim by explaining fight, flight or freeze on our webpage and by describing methods to reduce stress in an interactive video. We hope that our project will be a useful resource for students to help them cope with stress and possibly discover new ways to reduce the stress that will help them in the future. According to the data collected in our two user testing phases, there is proof that our audience learned new information about the fight, flight, or freeze response and were engaged while doing so.
Video Overview
Visuals from this Project